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21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)

Education Sustainable Development Events


Project Period:
27 January - 10 February 2018
Melbourne (Australia) & Christchurch (New Zealand)


The ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU) was a 2-week experiential learning journey and “Interdisciplinary Innovathon” for Asian and European students and young professionals. Designed to foster cross-cultural exchanges and networks among youth, it offered opportunities for students and young professionals to broaden their horizons, deepen their knowledge on contemporary issues, and propose concrete solutions to societal challenges.

ASEFSU21 was conducted under the theme “Youth with Disabilities: Shaping Inclusive ASEM Societies” and it consisted of a mix of practical team exercises, thought-provoking lectures, group research and experiential learning. Participants developed a strong understanding for the issues faced by youth with disabilities and became active ambassadors for open and inclusive ASEM societies.

The ASEFSU21 covered 8 thematic areas:


  1. Mobility
  2. Rights Protection & Legislation
  3. Economic Security & Employment
  4. Inclusive Education
  5. Health & Well-Being
  6. Participation in Society
  7. Access to Information
  8. Attitudes & Perceptions

Consisting of members from diverse backgrounds and experiences, the ASEFSU21 Challenge Teams tackled 8 real challenges faced by youth with disabilities in a practical and engaging way. These challenges were identified in cooperation with local and international Challenge Partners and the proposed solutions were put to test and made available for the benefit of youth with disabilities globally.



The ASEFSU21 consisted of 3 phases:

Phase 1: Online Preparatory phase (ca. 2 weeks)

In this phase the participants actively took part in an online preparatory phase to familiarise with the topics of the project. The phase kick-started the preparations for the upcoming on-site phase and required a couple of hours of work per week.

Phase 2: “Interdisciplinary Innovathon” in Australia and New Zealand (ca. 2 weeks)

The on-site phase was filled with active training sessions, quality lectures and exciting study visits where the participants discovered and deepened their knowledge on the shaping of inclusive ASEM societies. The Challenge Teams also presented their innovative solutions on the 8 respective ASEFSU21 Challenges assigned to them as well as scheduled meetings with representatives of government, academia, the private sector and civil society to present their outcomes.

Phase 3: 4-week Online Post-project Phase and Spin-off activities

All prototypes developed on site – analogue and digital – were analysed and tested after the project by the relevant stakeholders and communities engaged. The participants played a crucial role in following-up on the initiatives and disseminating information about the lessons learned at the ASEFSU21.



27 January – 10 February 2018 (2 weeks)


Melbourne (Australia) & Christchurch (New Zealand)


No registration or participation fee. The organisers provided participants with travel subsidy, accommodation and meals.

Project Updates

Photos & Videos


21st ASEF Summer University (#ASEFSU21) Youth with Disabilities: Shaping Inclusive…


21st ASEF Summer University (#ASEFSU21) Youth with Disabilities: Shaping Inclusive…


21st ASEF Summer University (#ASEFSU21) Youth with Disabilities: Shaping Inclusive…


21st ASEF Summer University (#ASEFSU21) Youth with Disabilities: Shaping Inclusive…


21st ASEF Summer University (#ASEFSU21) Youth with Disabilities: Shaping Inclusive…


21st ASEF Summer University (#ASEFSU21) Youth with Disabilities: Shaping Inclusive…


The 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21) brought together 48 participants…


The 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21) brought together 48 participants…


The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities…


ASEFSU21 Youth Survey Results (.pdf)


ASEFSU21 Speakers, Organisers and Resource Persons (.pdf)


ASEFSU21 Programme New Zealand (.pdf)


ASEFSU21 Programme Australia (.pdf)


ASEFSU21 Participants (.pdf)


ASEFSU21 Overview (.pdf)


ASEFSU21 Open Call & Overview (.pdf)


ASEFSU21 FAQ (.pdf)


ASEFSU21 Concept Note (.pdf)


ASEFSU21 Accessible Files (Word)


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