The Open Call for Applications has been closed.
When? 5-weeks long programme between 15 November – 17 December 2021
Where? Online
How? The 5-week long programme consists of synchronous (5 live online workshops) and asynchronous (access to materials on ASEF’s e-learning platform) learning and exchange activities.
For whom? University managers, academics and administrators in tertiary higher education institutions keen to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in their institutions
What will be discussed during this 5-week long workshop series?
The workshop series will focus on improving inclusion and equity at universities in Asia and Europe. University managers, academics and researchers are invited to apply in case they do work in any of the following dimensions and keen to improve equity and inclusion:
- admissions and career guidance
- student guidance and support services
- international mobility
- digital transformation of teaching activities
- curriculum development and programme design
To learn more about the topic of the workshop series read the Overview.
What do participants get out of the workshop series?
- Enhanced understanding of advancing equity in higher education
The project will help participants to understand the added value of equitable access and success in higher education, expand their knowledge on different strategies on advancing equity at universities, and learn about good practices from other universities in Asia and Europe. - Personal network in Asia and Europe
The workshop will provide diverse opportunities for interaction and cooperation for 30 participants from different countries across Asia and Europe. Therefore, we fully expect new bi-lateral and multi-lateral partnerships to emerge and also hope to build a sustainable community of practice. - Tailored action plan to implement at your institution
Participants will develop their own action plans to advance equity, which they can implement in their home institution to unlock the full potential of their organisations and their career.
Who should apply to participate?
This Workshop series is designed for university managers, administrators, and academics who want to make their activities more inclusive and equitable.
We envision about 30 participants from Asia and Europe who meet the following criteria joining the project:
- Managers, administrators or academics in tertiary higher education institutions
- Working at a university based in one of the 51 ASEM countries
- Excellent command of English (written and verbal)
Participants will be selected by an Open Call for Application. The screening process will ensure a non-discriminative approach assuring a balanced geographic representation, gender balance and fair access to the opportunity for all. When assessing the applications, organisers will look for applicants who meet the eligibility criteria, express strong motivation, and are committed to transform the knowledge and skills gained during the workshops into action.
Selected participants will have to commit to allocate approximately 3 hours weekly to prepare and participate at the live online workshop sessions. They will be also required to develop and submit an individual action plan at the end of the programme that will be published. This will be the condition of earning a certificate of completion.
What are the programme elements of the workshop series?
The workshop series will take place entirely online, with the use of online collaboration tools and platforms. It is a 5-week long engagement with approximately 3 hours commitment per week. There will be:
- Synchronous learning elements | Live online sessions each week
Participants will meet every week on Fridays to jointly attend a 2-hour long live online group session, led by experts, featuring speakers from leading universities and NGOs, sharing good practices and examples on equitable access and success in higher education. The sessions will take place each Friday, between 7.00-9.00 AM UCT (Time Converter). Check out the Programme here. - Asynchronous learning elements | On demand
The learning journey includes self-paced study elements such as readings, videos, case studies, with collaborative learning elements such as live online presentations, group exercises, tailored to the challenges that participants define to work on.
There will be 5 live online sessions throughout the 5-week long programme:
Week 1 | Target Group and Value Proposition
Week 2 | Activities and Resources
Week 3 | Stakeholders
Week 4 | Measuring Outcomes and Impact
Week 5 | Summary and presentation of action plans
To learn more about the Draft Programme click here.
15 November – 17 December 2021 , online
There is no registration or participation fee. This is a fully funded project.
The workshop series are accessible to all participants. The organisers do not discriminate any applicant or participant on the basis of his or her race, national origin (ancestry), colour, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, religion (creed), marital status, or age.
Learn more about the project on the Project Website
Read the background in the Overview
Check out the draft Programme
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