What is #ASEFClassNet?
The ASEF Classroom Network (#ASEFClassNet) connects high school students, teachers & school leaders, teacher trainers, researchers, policy makers and EdTech experts from the 51 ASEM Partner countries. It provides opportunities for collaborative teaching & learning and focuses on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and the potential of education technology in the secondary education sector. Activities of the network include, amongst others, conferences & capacity building programmes for school leaders & teachers, bi-regional school collaborations, research & studies for policy support as well as communication and outreach campaigns to advance knowledge and promote good practices within the secondary school sector.
ASEFClassNet School Collaborations 2022
The ASEFClassNet2022 project titled “Innovative Teaching & Learning, STEM Education and Education for Sustainable Development” was a 3-month long (Sep-Dec 2022) capacity-building project for teachers at the secondary education level. It contributed to enhancing teaching & learning environments in secondary, high, and vocational schools across ASEM on two themes: Holistic Education (SDG4) and Climate Change Education (SDG 4 & 13). It trained over 100 teachers through a 3-stage virtual training programme that included Self-learning, Team Learning, and Action Learning opportunities.
School Collaboration 1: Holistic Learning Environments for Innovative Teaching and Learning
The goal of the School Collaboration was to enable its participants to improve their teaching practices in a holistic way that positively influences learning environments in their classrooms as well as schools. The Collaboration trained 77 Teachers from 27 ASEM Countries which resulted in the development of 16 Innovative Teaching Practices on various aspects of Holistic Education.
School Collaboration 2: STEM Education through Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
The goal of the School Collaboration was to enable participants to enhance their teaching practices in a way that is powerful not only to innovate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) teaching but also enthuse pro-environmental choices among students. It trained 65 Teachers from 32 ASEM Countries and enabled them to critically reflect on both local and global Climate Change issues. It contributed to introducing Climate Change Education across ASEM through 11 Innovative Teaching Practices.
Learn more about the ASEF ClassNet 2022 School Collaborations: