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5th ASEF Higher Education Innovation Laboratory #ASEFInnoLab5



Project Period:
02 May 2024 - 26 Oct 2024
Online and Onsite in Shanghai, China

The #ASEFInnoLab Series

In line with the Asia-Europe Foundation’s mission, we create opportunities for higher education stakeholders from Asia and Europe to meet, learn from each other, and build capacity to address common global challenges together.

We believe higher education academics and senior administrators are in a unique position to transform and modernise their higher education institutions by introducing tech-savvy, inclusive and sustainable policies that positively impact students, staff and the organisation itself.

Since 2021, ASEF has organised four editions of ASEF Higher Education Innovation Laboratory (ASEFInnoLab). It had its first onsite event in October 2023 which was held in conjunction with the Shanghai Forum. With the conclusion of its fifth and latest edition, over 254 academics, researchers and university managers from 45 Asian and European participated in the InnoLab’s editions. 99% of them would recommend a colleague this opportunity for intellectual exchange, learning from peers, and working together on a joint output. Read about the project series here, or have a look at these videos to know more about InnoLab and its impact in enhancing dialogue on AI for the collective good:

Speakers from Previous Editions

Through its previous editions, the ASEFInnoLab series has invited esteemed speakers from all over the globe to talk about AI, innovation ecosystems, teaching and learning, research and industry, technology transfer, leadership, and entrepreneurship, among many other topics.

Representing various sectors and perspectives, these speakers have enriched the programme in terms of the knowledge, networks, and experience that ASEFInnoLab participants walk away with at the end of the programme.

The ASEFInnoLab5 Project

On its fifth edition, ASEFInnoLab continued its mission of providing opportunities for academics and higher education managers from Asia and Europe to learn, network, and collaborate in the area where higher education and artificial intelligence intersects. 

This project served as a groundbreaking platform for participants to:

exchange and build knowledge among academics and higher education managers
facilitate sustainable networking and support funding opportunities
create joint outputs—from action plans to research to policy recommendations
What was the topic?

For its fifth edition, ASEFInnoLab’s whole programme was guided by the overarching theme “Universities’ Role in AI Innovation Ecosystems”  with a strong focus on three subthemes:

  • AI GOVERNANCE. From Generative AI (GAI) to quantum machine learning, trends in tech innovations are shaping the future of society. This subtheme is looking at universities’ role in building capacity to ensure technology ethics, safety; to inform policymakers on social and legal governance issues of AI, as well as predict the skill needs of the future economy and workforce in Asia and Europe and globally.
  • AI IN EDUCATION. Institutions of higher education play a pivotal role in realising the transformative potential of AI in education. This subtheme focuses on universities’ role in developing AI skills and content for tertiary education, formulating learning and teaching methodologies with AI, and building institutional capacity to inform policymakers and strengthen educational capabilities, resilience, and develop reliability.
  • AI FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Due to the cross-cutting, encompassing nature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the role of AI in their achievement has become an important topic of discussion as the world races to meet global sustainability targets. This subtheme focuses on universities’ role on raising awareness on AI potential for SDGs, promoting environmentally responsible AI, contributing to socio-cultural dynamics of sustainable development.
Who joined?

This project was designed for academics, researchers, and managers who spearhead AI-related activities in their institutions. We had a total of 134 participants from 31 countries across Asia and Europe who are higher education managers, academics, and researchers working with AI-related teaching, learning, research, management initiatives. 

Participation in all our programme components was free, but by invitation only. Those who were successfully onboarded into the online phase and went on to complete the entire edition committed to not only participate in the online sessions and join the onsite programme, they also worked on various collaborative outputs.



Online every Thursday between 02 May – 27 June 2024

Onsite in Shanghai, China on 21-25 October 2024*


Higher education managers, academics, and researchers with AI-related education and research portfolio.

Participation was by invitation only.


This experiential, collaborative programme had highly interactive sessions that facilitated peer-to-peer learning towards actionable outcomes. It had the following components:

Online Programme: Self-Learning Phase

Online Programme: Team Learning Phase

Onsite Programme


No. As with previous editions, this programme was free of charge.

*For select participants only.

Programme Highlights

ASEFInnoLab5 was a ten-week programme focused on Universities’ Role in AI Innovation Ecosystems. It was a comprehensive peer-to-peer learning experience implemented virtually from May to June and in-person in October of 2024.

The online phase began on 2 May and ended on 27 June, spanning nine virtual sessions. Our 87 participants from 31 Asian and European countries spent the first four weeks of the programme in a Self-Learning Phase, where they heard from experts on ASEFInnoLab5’s three subthemes. In the succeeding Team Learning Phase, they teamed up to create forward-looking Position Papers.

For the onsite phase, we welcomed around 50 academics from 22 countries across Asia and Europe at Fudan University in Shanghai, China from 21-25 October. This week-long collaborative experience gathered outstanding participants from the online cohort, invited experts from academe and industry sectors, and the ASEM Education Expert Group on Digitalisation. Together, they worked on a set of high-level White Papers intended to challenge university leadership to engage with bold actions in navigating the future of universities’ role in AI innovation ecosystems.



Programme Components

The programme opened on 2 May 2024 with a four-week virtual Self-Learning Phase where we welcomed 100 registered participants. During this phase, various experts gave enriching and insightful presentations on universities’ role in AI Governance, AI in Education, and AI for Sustainable Development. Get to know the speakers here.

The Self-Learning Phase closed on 27 June 2024, and 87 participants continued on to the Team Learning Phase.


The Team Learning Phase spanned five weeks. In this leg, they were grouped into 18 intercultural teams and learned to use the Scenario Planning Method to develop Position Papers guided by the visionary prompt “Universities’ Role in AI Innovation Ecosystems by 2060”.

They were supported by Expert Facilitators from the RTU Riga Business School and an excellent group of Mentors who are alumni and long-time collaborators of the ASEFInnoLab5 project series.


Read more about the culmination of the virtual leg and get to know the facilitators and mentors here.

A rigorous review and evaluation process followed the closing of the online programme, which resulted in the selection of 16 Position Papers. You’ll find more information about the ASEFInnoLab5 Publication below.

To learn more about the online programme, have a look at the programme and participants’ profiles below:

The onsite event took place on 21-25 October 2024 in Shanghai, China, bringing together 50 academics from 22 countries across Asia and Europe to engage in keynote sessions, panel discussions, and a series of workshops.

Guided by the project’s overarching theme, participants delved into rigorous discussions and peer-to-peer sharing on our three thematic areas. In this collaborative space, the cohort worked on 3 White Papers aimed at challenging university leaders with bold ideas in navigating the future of universities’ role in AI innovation ecosystems.

We were delighted to co-organise this impactful event with Fudan University, our local host and implementing partner. We also had support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the ASEM Education Secretariat (AES), and the Asia-Europe for Artificial Intelligence (AE4AI) Network in making this possible.

On 23 October, we were glad to co-host the Meeting of the ASEM Education Expert Group on Digitalisation. Select members of the EG came to Shanghai for their hybrid meeting. Afterwards, they joined the main cohort to further enrich the discussions on AI in Education.

Check out the main ASEFInnoLab5 onsite programme materials here:

At the closing of the programme, we warmly welcomed the onsite cohort into the AE4AI Network and shared ideas for the network’s future. Read more about the onsite event here.

On November 28, we welcomed 120 participants from Asia and Europe to the successful virtual launch of the ASEFInnoLab5 Publication titled “Universities’ Role in Artificial Innovation (AI) Ecosystems by 2060 in Asia and Europe”.

This collection of 16 forward-looking position papers produced by our online cohort outlines visions of the future in three areas aligned with ASEFInnoLab5’s sub-themes:  AI GovernanceAI in Education and AI for Sustainable Development.

Implementing partners ASEF and Fudan University opened the launch with welcome messages. This was followed by an introduction to the publication by the online programme’s facilitators Dr Claudio RIVERA and Ms Paula ELKSNE-REVELINA of the RTU Riga Business School, where they provided a background on its contents and the approach used by the authors in developing the papers included therein.

In the main segment, select contributing authors shared their insights on the future of universities’ role in AI innovation ecosystems based on their learnings in the ASEFInnoLab5 project. These experts are some of our most engaged participants who joined us from the online to the onsite phase of this edition.

Read more about the launch here, or watch the session recording below:


The ASEFInnoLab5 Publication: Universities’ Role in AI Innovation Ecosystems by 2060 in Asia and Europe

As universities navigate the latest technological revolution that is AI, they face an imperative to adapt to sweeping changes that this transformative force brings to the Asia-Europe education landscape. Now, universities find themselves at a crossroads as they deal with unprecedented opportunities and complex challenges.

This 156-page publication is a collection of position papers produced by the ASEFInnoLab5 online cohort that explore what could be the future role of universities in the fast-paced, evolving context of AI

This volume is divided into three main sections aligned with ASEFInnoLab5’s areas of focus: Universities’ Role in AI Governance by 2060, Universities’ Role in AI in Education by 2060, and Universities’ Role in AI for Sustainable Development by 2060.

Have a look at the contents below!

Testimonials and Photos

What’s next? 

The ASEFInnoLab5 is closing soon.

For the first quarter of 2025, our focus will be disseminating the highlights of this edition (including the ASEFInnoLab5 Publication), finalising and launching the ASEFInnoLab5 White Papers developed during the ASEFInnoLab5 Onsite Event, and opening ASEFInnoLab6. Exciting things to look forward to!

Implemented in partnership with:

With financial support from:

Photos & Videos


ASEFInnoLab5 Project Report


ASEFInnoLab5 Publication


ASEFInnoLab5 Publication Launch – Programme Flow


ASEFInnoLab5 Onsite Event – Participants Booklet


ASEFInnoLab5 Onsite Event Programme


ASEFInnoLab5 Online Programme (as of 08 May 2024)


ASEFInnoLab5 Participants’ Booklet (as of 28 May 2024)


ASEFInnoLab5 Project Overview Document


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