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2nd ASEF Young Parliamentarians Meeting – Asia and Europe: Good Governance in the Age of Globalisation




ASEF, Fundacao Oriente
Pages / Weight:
52 pages / 180 g

2nd Asia-Europe Young Parliamentarians Meeting

This publication is the outcome of the 2nd ASEF Young Parliamentarians Meetingheld in Cascais and Lisbon, Portugal, from 31st March to 3rd April 2000. Dealing with the topic “Asia and Europe: Good Governance in the Age of Globalisation”, the publication focuses on the impact of globalisation on the welfare state. The various reports by the participants cover a multitude of aspects of globalisation including economical, social, political and technological aspects. The book is intended to provide a brief introduction into the wide topic and an overview of the meeting’s programme. Readership: participants, people interested in the Young Parliamentarians Programme.

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