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Coal and Climate Change: “The Chinese Way”?

Sustainable Development



Asia Centre
Pages / Weight:

Asia-Europe: Energy Challenges and Climate Change

In recent years, Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) member states have shown a strong interest in addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by energy and the associated issue of climate change within the global debate about the transition to a more sustainable future.

The publication, Coal and ClimateChange: “The Chinese Way”? aims to shed light in the area of energy, and is based on the outcomes of a roundtable of large energy actors (governments, corporates, experts and NGOs) that was jointly organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and the Asia Centre. Participants of the roundtable discussed China’s use of coal within its primary energy mix, and the way forward for sustainable development in China. The findings from this discussion are summarised in this publication.

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