From 10-17 August 2024, the World Youth Development Forum took place under the theme “Together for a Better Future”, organised for the 3rd time by the All-China Youth Federation (ACYF), a long-term partner of ASEF, the United Nations in China, and the Organising Committee of the World Youth Development Forum. ASEF was a Supporting Partner for this Forum.
The Forum aims to create a platform for young people worldwide to meet and contribute to global development and to promote youth development. It invites heads of United Nations agencies, ministers for youth affairs, youth leaders, and youth representatives from various backgrounds and fields to participate and help build a platform for exchanges, mutual learning and cooperation, and to facilitate youth stakeholders to address global challenges.
This year, ASEFEdu organised the Asia-Europe Young Leaders Campus, as part of the ASEFYLS Capacity Buildings 2024 (ASEFYLS2024), alongside the Forum. Therefore, all participants of the Campus were all invited to attend the Forum as delegates – contributing with 40 participants from 39 countries across Asia and Europe to the diverse group of attendees.
The Forum opened on the International Youth Day on 12 August in Beijing, China. Welcoming addresses by representatives of the United Nations, the China International Development Cooperation Agency, and the Secretariat of Central Committee of Communist Youth Leagues of China.
Dr Felipe Paullier, Assistant Secretary-General for Youth Affairs at the United Nations Youth Office, mentioned the importance of youth involvement in his opening speech – saying that “We need young people’s ability to collaborate across borders and also the society’s active engagement in creating spaces for young people to cooperate and recognising young people as equal partners.”
During the Opening, ASEFYLS2024 Participants Danijel BAČAN (Croatia), Kesha YOGASUNDARAN (Singapore), and Jaseel CHARUVIL KUNNUMMAL (India), gave presentations during the ‘Youth Lightning Talks: Together for a Better Future’. Additionally, participants Christian BØGELUND (Denmark), Solah AYUBI (Indonesia), Abdirakhym ASAN (Kazakhstan), and Armela BROCAJ (Belgium) had the opportunity to ask questions during the Dialogue with Ministers. We are incredibly proud of our participants and their contributions.
On the following day, 13 August, the Youth Pre-Meeting for the Summit of the Future was held at Renmin University of China, during which the delegates attended workshops on topics relating to Science, Technology, and Innovation, Youth and Future Generations, Global Governance, and more!
Ms Freya CHOW-PAUL, Youth Project Lead in the Education Department, co-moderated one of the workshops on the topic of ‘Science, Technology and Digital Cooperation: Youth and Future Generations.
Finally, on 14 August, the Forum continued in Hangzhou, where the ASEFYLS2024 participants attended the WYDF Thematic Forum for Youth Development-Oriented Cities. For this first day in Hangzhou, the participants had the opportunity to listen to addresses and keynotes on the importance of youth inclusion and prioritisation in urban planning and development.
The Thematic Forum was attended by Youth Secretaries & Policymakers from around the world, as well as Urban Planning Ministry representatives & Mayors from across China. Participants were able to learn more about China’s approach to urbanisation, case studies & best practices.