The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Public Health Network and Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) will co-organise a 2-day High-Level Meeting on Risk Communications for Public Health Emergencies on 14–15 June 2017, in Seoul, Korea. Uniquely designed for senior-level government officials and their corresponding spokespersons from the Ministry of Health or equivalent, the High-Level Meeting aims to strengthen policymakers’ capacity to support risk communications in times of health emergencies.
Policymakers’ support is necessary to protect the public from health threats, especially in a globally connected world where public health incidents may rapidly affect other countries and even trigger emergency crises in other regions. Gathering over 30 representatives from 24 Asian and European countries, the Meeting will be an opportunity to identify and address difficulties faced by senior-level officials’ when making decisions and communicating with the public.
The Meeting will include presentations on selected public health emergencies, panel discussions, simulation exercises and group discussions on risk communications and its influence on non-health sectors such as economy, trade, and tourism.
Follow updates on the Joint KCDC-ASEF High-Level Meeting on Risk Communications for Public Health Emergencies here.