We are proud to share that the online programme of the 5th ASEF Higher Education Innovation Laboratory (ASEFInnoLab5) culminated last 27 June!
Our final cohort of 87 participants come from 31 countries in Asia and Europe—all working on AI-related initiatives in their universities. We sincerely thank them for their commitment to sharing knowledge and building connections!
This final virtual session marks the end of our participants’ nine-week learning and networking journey that began with the first Self-Learning Phase session on 02 May. You can read more about the SLP sessions here.
For the Team Learning Phase, our participants were teamed up to work together on a joint Position Paper guided by the prompt “Universities Role in AI Innovation Ecosystems in 2060.” With the expert facilitation of Dr Claudio RIVERA and Dr Paula ELKSNE of the Riga Technical University’s Riga Business School, the groups used the Scenario Planning Method to work on a variety of topics relating to the subthemes of AI Governance, AI in Education, and AI for Sustainable Development. Mentors were also assigned for each group to assist in facilitating discussions and exchanges as they worked on developing their paper.
ASEF acknowledges the work of the ASEFInnoLab5 Mentors in creating opportunities for effective exchanges for their assigned groups. Having engaged the project’s previous editions, they have remained as active alumni of the programme and instrumental to the success of the ASEFInnoLab5 online phase:ASEFInnoLab, now midway through its fifth edition, continues its work on dissecting the present and envisioning the future of Universities’ Role in AI Innovation Ecosystems. Preparations are underway for two major deliverables: the publication, which will be a compendium of the best Position Papers produced by the online cohort; and the onsite dialogue event to be hosted by our partner, Fudan University, in October 2024 in Shanghai, China.
Learn more about our work in Education here. Highlights from our portfolio will also be shared from time to time through our e-newsletter and posted through our online channels such as Facebook (ASEF; ASEFEdu) and LinkedIn (ASEF; ASEFEdu). Follow us to stay connected!