What is #ASEFClassNet?
For over two decades, the ASEF Classroom Network (#ASEFClassNet) has been providing capacity-building opportunities for collaborative teaching and learning and a platform to explore the potential of cutting-edge EdTech tools and the integration of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in secondary, high, and vocational schools in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Partner countries. Its target group is broad, given its intergenerational & multi-stakeholder outreach. It ranges from students, teachers, school leaders, teacher trainers, researchers, policymakers, and to EdTech experts. Since its inception, about 2,000 teachers from all 51 ASEM Partner countries have participated in and become members of the ASEF Classroom Network. As a result, about 35,000 students have been engaged in over 430 Asia-Europe School Collaborations and local spin-off activities.
11th ASEF Classroom Network Conference
On 28 October – 1 November 2013 in Bali, Indonesia, members of the ASEF ClassNet community shared expertise and made practical plans to integrate ICT, art and local culture into environmental education. The conference inspired action with impacts within and beyond the classroom.
87 teachers and 6 student representatives from 31 ASEM partner countries participated in the conference that encouraged the integration of ICT, art and local culture into environmental education and action within and beyond the classroom.
The conference was held in conjunction with the official launch of the ASEF Green Action Exhibition, which aimed to raise awareness on the harmful effects of plastic on the environment. 21 schools from 18 countries submitted entries for the ASEF Green Action Exhibition. The teachers and student representatives also participated in the bag exchange activity conducted on 30 October 2013 in Pasar Badung, Denpasar.
During the conference, the teachers participated in practical workshops and training sessions on topics that ranged from “Adapting Education For Sustainable Consumption In Formal And Non Formal Education” to “Genuine Student-Led Action”, and from “School-Based Waste Management” to “Compost Art.”
Following a opening presentation by Ambassador Soemadi Brotodiningrat, ASEF Governor for Indonesia, teachers were also introduced to Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), and later consider how to enhance the ASEF Classroom Network.
38 new Online Collaborations were proposed by the participants and the ASEF ClassNet Awards were presented to 6 of the preceding year’s Online Collaborations winners
Gold Awards
- Dream Tours
- iMagz – Making Myself Heard
- International Village – Thumbs Up for SketchUp!
Merit Awards
- Chain Stories
- Let’s Eat
- The Time Machine
The Gold and Merit Award winners each received a cash prize of EUR 2,000 and EUR 500 respectively. The prize may be used to further develop their project or to create new online collaborations.