What is #ASEFClassNet?
For over two decades, the ASEF Classroom Network (#ASEFClassNet) has been providing capacity-building opportunities for collaborative teaching and learning and a platform to explore the potential of cutting-edge EdTech tools and the integration of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in secondary, high, and vocational schools in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Partner countries. Its target group is broad, given its intergenerational & multi-stakeholder outreach. It ranges from students, teachers, school leaders, teacher trainers, researchers, policymakers, and to EdTech experts. Since its inception, about 2,000 teachers from all 51 ASEM Partner countries have participated in and become members of the ASEF Classroom Network. As a result, about 35,000 students have been engaged in over 430 Asia-Europe School Collaborations and local spin-off activities.
13th ASEF Classroom Network Conference
The 13th ASEF ClassNet Conference addressed the theme of “Theory Meets Practice: Teacher Training in the Digital Era” and was organised from 8–10/11 September in Zug, Switzerland by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub) and the Institute for the Management and Economics of Education of the University of Teacher Education Zug.
The 13th ASEF ClassNet Conference was organised in conjunction with the Research Conference by the ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub) and the World Education Leadership Symposium. The conference brought together more than 100 researchers, teacher trainers, and secondary, vocational and high school teachers from over 40 ASEM Countries to identify actions to respond collaboratively to the needs of teachers in the face of ever-advancing educational technology.
The successful implementation of lifelong learning is dependent on the quality of adult teachers and trainers. Similarly, successfully addressing challenges and opportunities which originate from digitalisation of education requires the professionalisation of adult educators and teachers. By bringing together 2 conferences which link researchers, practitioners and beneficiaries, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and ASEM LLL Hub will tackle these interrelated themes. By connecting 3 layers of stakeholders, who all have a role in shaping education systems, this project enhanced the training of teachers so that they are enabled to harness digital technology for the benefit of learners across Asia and Europe.
The 13th ASEF ClassNet Conference achieved the following aims:
- established links between education researchers, adult teachers, trainers and teachers through a ‘theory-practice exchange’ for the benefit of learners
- identified, mapped and analyzed competences of adult educators and trainers required for education and training in a digital era across ASEM partner countries
- researched, collated and examined the teacher training requirements identified by teachers in ASEM partner countries
- developed evidence-based policy recommendation on what the ASEM Education Process can offer and implement to strengthen the Adult Educators capacities
The conference also featured case studies of six finalists from digital online collaborations conducted by teachers and students of the ASEF Classroom Network (ClassNet), which was then judged and awarded based on the uniqueness and multicultural element of the project.
Gold Awards
- Grandma’s Kitchen
- What Matters in Your Life?
- Coding for Teens
Merit Awards
- Free Tickets to Mountains and Plains
- Witnesses of World War 2
- Uniquely Us!